
You are always manifesting.

Whatever we are experiencing now, is manifested now or at some point of time.

Deliberately fill your mind with things that you wish to experience. You all day creates thoughts. You will begin to see what the world unfolds.

Say yourself things like you already have it. Like 'you are so attractive', 'you had such an amazing day today'.

Besides thibking and journal entries, imagine it with you being a part of it.

Deliberately take action, fo change the content of your day. Seeing, tasting, touching, feeling.

Why do we have same day, everyday?
Because we think same things, do same things over and over again.

Always imagine the end result. Live the end results.

Your mood, assumptions, everything creating your reality daily.

Research well about things that you want to happen.

Constantly monitor which world are you creating. 

1. Imagine the end
Shut off the senses. What would you see, hear, feel, touch.
If you feel later, oh this was a memory i have, means its done.
2. Get fully immersed in scene.
When you open the eyes if its a shock that you are here physically, means its done.
3. You can send yourself fake email.
Reading the lines over and over again and feeling the thrill.

What do you want? Your vision your mission.. Jot down the end feelings of it. 

Change your inner conversation. Take your time, learn to be aware of your thoughts, and decide what you want to believe in. 

What is it that you want?
Imagine what would it be like... 
